The welfare of our children and their safety is the overriding consideration and responsibility of all the staff in the school at all times. As with all schools, we have a legal duty to look out for signs of abuse in children and to report any concerns to the MASH Team (Multi Agency Support Team) at the local authority, who will carry out the necessary investigations. The MASH team can be contacted on 020 8359 4066.
The Safeguarding Team at Martin Primary School is:
- Hannah Taylor: Designated Safeguarding Lead for Child Protection and Looked After Children
- Ziz Chater: Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
- Chantal Lust: Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
- Shona Glackin: Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
- Paul Rossi: Safeguarding Governor
All staff receive appropriate safeguarding training which is updated at least annually.
While at school, it is extremely important that we keep children safe and secure at all times. In order to do this we have a variety of systems in place which include:
- members of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) stand at the front and back gate entrances to greet children and parents/carers every morning
- all staff and governors are issued with photo identity lanyards
- adults authorised to visit the school site are required to sign in and out and wear visitor’s passes at all times
- all adults working regularly with children will be subject to DBS checks
- adults who occasionally help at school will never be left with children by themselves
- all visitors to the school are issued with a ‘School Visitor Safeguarding Guide’ which includes all the key safeguarding information
- extra-curricular clubs must provide the school with qualification certification and DBS documentation.
Harmful Sexual Behaviours
At Martin Primary School we recognise the importance of responding appropriately to any report of harmful sexual behaviour. To help us do this we use the Brook’s nationally recognised Sexual Behaviours Traffic Light Tool, a resource used by professionals to categorise sexual behaviours of young people and help:
- understand healthy sexual development and distinguish it from harmful behaviour
- assess and respond appropriately to sexual behaviour in children and young people
- make decisions about safeguarding children and young people.
Please click here for more information about Brook and on the link below for the Traffic Light Tool.