
Martin Primary School


Members of our Governing Body


NameDate of apptTerm of officeDate finishedAppointed by

Ruth Anders

(Vice Chair)

24/6/20214 years Governing Body
Sarah Ashdown Edwards7/3/20242 years Governing Body
Lauren Baskent3/3/20244 years Parents/carers
Jason Black3/3/20242 years11/7/2024Governing Body
Ziz Chater1/9/2019n/a Ex-officio (HT)
Tom Child22/10/20244 years Parents/carers
Marie Farmer11/7/20232 years31/8/2024Governing Body
Cllr. Claire Farrier1/10/20244 years LA/Governing Body
Shona Glackin1/4/20224 years Staff
Fiona Harcus3/3/20204 years2/3/2024Parents/carers
Miranda Levey6/5/20214 years Parents/carers
Jess Lundie11/10/20222 years24/11/2024Governing Body
James Oliver24/11/20234 years Parents/carers

Gemma Rosenblatt

3/5/20222 years2/5/2024Governing Body

Paul Rossi (Chair)

28/1/20214 years Governing Body
Tom Rounds3/3/20244 years Parents/carers
Helen Rudge24/11/20224 years11/7/2024Parents/carers
Gabrielle Sharpe11/7/20242 years Governing Body
Matthew Telvi-blom11/7/20242 years Governing Body
David Vivian6/5/20214 years Parents/carers
Oliver Yaros7/3/20242 years Governing Body


The role of the Governing Body is to provide strategic leadership, accountability, support and challenge to ensure that the school fulfils its aims.


Each individual governor is a member of the Governing Body which is established in law as a corporate body. Individual governors may not act independently; all decisions are the joint responsibility of the Governing Body. 


The key functions of the Governing Body are to:

  • set the aims and objectives for the school
  • set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives
  • set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives
  • monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives
  • be a source of challenge and support to the headteacher (a critical friend).


We have a total complement of 13 Governors made up of:

  • six parent governors
  • four co-opted governors
  • one Local Authority nominated Governor
  • one staff governor
  • one associate governor
  • the headteacher.


Parent, LA and staff governors serve for four years and co-opted governors and associate governors have a two year term of office.  


The Full Governing Body meets at least twice each term, once for training and once for the considerations of all Governing Body business matters.  In addition much of the business is conducted through on of our three committees which meet at least once every term.  They are:

  • Finance and Resources
  • Wellbeing and Community
  • Standards and Achievement


A Pay Committee also meets as and when required.


We also operate a system of link governors where individual governors take on responsibility for specific subject areas, such as Special Educational Needs and Disability.


The Chair and Vice Chair of Governors also meet regularly with the headteacher to discuss and resolve issues as they arise.


Minutes of the Governing Body meetings are available on request from the school office.


If you would like to contact the Chair of the Governing Body please call the school office or send an email to:

Governing Body Structure

Governing BodyFinance & ResourcesStandards & AchievementWellbeing & Community

Paul Rossi


David Vivian (Chair)James Oliver (Chair)

 Miranda Levey


Ruth Anders

(Vice Chair)

Tom Rounds

(Vice Chair)

Sarah Ashdown Edwards

(Vice Chair)

Lauren Baskent

(Vice Chair)


Paul RossiRuth AndersGabrielle Sharpe
 Matthew Telvi-blomShona GlackinOliver Yaros
 Ruth AndersPaul RossiPaul Rossi

