
Martin Primary School

More About Martin meetings

More About Martin meetings


'More About Martin' meetings provide information for parents and carers about a range of topics and they usually take place on Fridays after drop off. Examples of the topics covered are how to support children’s emotional wellbeing, phonics, the Year 4 times tables test, Reading for Pleasure and our Forest School.   Please see some of the presentations below.

Many of our meetings are hosted by members of staff and groups of children, e.g. our Global Ambassadors and our Rights Respecting representatives.  We have also invited visitors from ISS (school catering) and from services provided by Barnet, for example a specialist who delivered a session about dealing with anxiety.  Parents and carers are also welcome to present at the meetings if they have any particular skills or experiences to share - please let the office know.  


Please find presentations from previous meetings below:
