
Martin Primary School

Reading for pleasure

Poetry performance competition

Every class in years 1 to 6 took part in a poetry performance competition which involved the children learning a poem and performing it to other classes and the staff.  To hear the winning entries, please click on the links below:

1SS Tree House by Shel Silverstein

2LK Let's Invent a Monster by James Carter

3KM Answer to a Child's Question by Samuel Coleridge

4WW Comet by Kate Wakeling

6SW Sick by Shel Silverstein

How to encourage your child to read for pleasure


Learning to read takes a lot of time and practice.  Children who have been read to will develop an understanding and love of books which will help to give them the drive to learn to read for themselves when they are ready.


Reading is important because it develops our thoughts and ways of expressing ourselves and it provides us with the means to access endless knowledge.


Please find below some ideas about how you can support your child's reading and lists of books for them to enjoy.

Great books to read

We want to develop a love of reading for all our children and we have put together lists of great books for different year groups as well as a list of 50 books all children should read before they leave primary school.  If you can think of any more please let us know!

To support our children’s reading at home we have recently subscribed to BugClub, an online reading resource.  For further information please click on  All the children from Reception to Year 6 have their own individual login details.  Please contact the school office if you have any difficulties accessing this resource. 


Please see the links below for stories to read for pleasure online:


BBC Audio Stories

Themes – Travel and transport, Music, Animals, Space, Weather & Seasons, Relationships, Stories from other cultures, Bible Stories, Festivals

Index of all titles available on this page


Storyline online – American – lots of stories including Traditional Tales on Youtube


Many stories in English and 30 other languages


Fairytales, Classic authors, Myths and World stories to listen to


Cbeebies -many stories to watch / listen to


Oxford Reading Tree graded books – register for free use


Booktrust – variety of stories for children up to 7


Range of stories for children over 7


Audible books - free for children's books - also in different languages
