Martin Primary School is committed to raising standards through a wide range of experiences for all children which encourage and stimulate a desire to learn. We pride ourselves on the relationships we build with our children which help them to develop skills enabling them to achieve and succeed.
Our children come from a wide variety of backgrounds and cultures and they learn together in an atmosphere of high expectations, mutual respect and friendship underpinned by fundamental British values and our Rights Respecting ethos. We know and value each child in our school and we work hard as a team to ensure that each child achieves their very best in everything they do.
Please click here for our school curriculum maps.
The National Curriculum
The National Curriculum was established in 1989 to ensure the same standards of teaching and learning in all English schools. It covers learning for all children aged 5-16 in state schools, and sets out:
The National Curriculum subjects are:
Schools are also required to ensure they have a broad and balanced curriculum promoting SMSC (Social, Moral, Spiritual & Cultural) aspects which is done through lessons, special events, assemblies etc.
Key Stages
The National Curriculum is divided into four Key Stages that children are taken through during their school life.
The four Key Stages
Key Stage 1 | ages 5-7 | Years 1 and 2 |
Key Stage 2 | ages 7-11 | Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 |
Key Stage 3 | ages 11-14 | Years 7, 8 and 9 |
Key Stage 4 | ages 14-16 | Years 10 and 11 |
Programmes of Study
Programmes of study set out what teachers should cover in every subject during each Key Stage.
Teaching Requirements
Teachers should:
The school follows the validated Essential Letters and Sounds scheme for phonics.
Religious Education (RE)
Religious Education is a component of the basic curriculum (but not the National Curriculum) and is compulsory for all pupils in local authority maintained schools aged 5 to 18 years unless they are withdrawn from these lessons by their parents. Maintained schools without a religious character, such as Martin Primary School, must follow the syllabus agreed by the local Barnet SACRE (Standing Advisory Council On Religious Education) Click here for Barnet’s agreed syllabus.
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
Schools are required to teach RSE and our aim is to work closely with our parents and carers when planning and delivering the curriculum. Our school follows the Christopher Winters Scheme for the delivery of RSE
If you would like to know more about our curriculum
please contact the school office and the team will be happy to help.