
Martin Primary School

Global Ambassadors

Back in 2016, two of our teachers, Ms Glackin and Ms Taylor, decided to establish a forum where children could address issues locally, nationally and globally. The children were selected by application and interview to become Young Global Ambassadors. As part of this process, the children had to talk about the issues that were most important to them in East Finchley and in other parts of the world. The children had many ideas about fundraising for different causes and developing a link with a school in another country.


Around this time, Jane Conway, a former parent and governor, had just returned from Tryamboli School in Kolhapur, India. Jane had discovered the school a few years before and was keen to establish contact between the two schools. Very soon a wonderful relationship began to flourish.   Since then, Ms Taylor and Ms Glackin have visited the school in India on two occasions.  They took with them many resources for the children and also brought back an array of exciting gifts made by the children of Tryamboli.  


The Global Ambassadors created an amazing wall hanging which was displayed in Martin School and then taken to India. They made bookmarks and friendships bracelets in the Martin colours for every child in the school. They have Skyped the children and asked and answered questions; they also made a video of the school so that the children in India could find out about life in England.  The school has raised funds on many occasions to provide playground equipment, library furnishings, a verandah covering and a new classroom.


One of our proudest achievements was Project Bookworm. After discussions with Jane, it was clear that the school needed resources to support the teaching of phonics.  The Global Ambassadors organised a whole school readathon which raised a massive £3,500! On their second visit, Ms Taylor and Ms Glackin were able to take the phonics resources and books to the school and teach both staff and children how to use them.


As well as strengthening our link with Tryamboli, the Global Ambassadors have also organised collections of toothpaste, toothbrushes, hats, scarves and gloves for the Asylum seeker Drop In that takes place every month at Martin School and have raised money and collected clothing for Driving Aid to Ukraine, a local charity that collects and delivers clothing and food to people in Ukraine.  In other local work, they have visited the Anne Owens Centre in East Finchley to chat to the elderly residents and they have supported the Boots4Africa appeal.  Some of our Global Ambassadors have also contributed ideas to the exhibition, Room to Breathe at the Migration Museum of London.
